

The Department of 校园娱乐 strives to provide 设施, 活动服务 for persons of all ability levels 和 interests. 校园娱乐创造了一个支持性的 environment to ensure all participants have a positive experience. 

校园娱乐 is committed to being the very best at programming with distinct 目的. We will reach beyond traditional industry st和ards to enhance the total development of students through each aspect of recreational programming.  我们设想 a dynamic array of 项目 that positively engage 和 develop community between students as well as a long-term commitment to the 北科罗拉多大学.




UNC first joined NIRSA in 1979, 和 has had many students 和 staff participate in their professional development opportunities, sport competitions, 和 national events.


校园娱乐 is a student fee funded department that provides an inclusive environment for students to develop healthy behaviors 和 personal skills.  我们提供各种 active experiential learning opportunities within the department 项目 of Club & 校内运动,健身 & 健康, Aquatics, 户外活动, 和 Informal 娱乐.  Through 校园娱乐 项目 和 employment, students will experience personal growth through critical thought 和 ethical principles; teamwork 和 civil engagement; diverse cultural perspectives; development of transferable skills; 和 养成健康的习惯.  Our values of inclusivity, collaboration, equity, diversity, well-being, 和 personal growth are at the core of our programming 和 员工的发展.  We proudly strive to build a community 和 culture that is centered 在这些值上.


  • 学习成果1:领导力 & 团队合作

    Through 校园娱乐 项目 students will improve their knowledge of leadership 以及团队发展技能.

  • 学习成果2:全球视角

    Through 校园娱乐 项目 students will increase their global perspective by engaging with people from diverse abilities, skills 和/or backgrounds.

  • 学习成果3:归属感

    Through 校园娱乐 项目 students will experience a sense of belonging within 校园社区.

  • 学习成果4:技能发展

    Through 校园娱乐 项目 students will learn transferable skills that will be instrumental in their post-graduate success.

  • 学习成果5:个人幸福

    Through 校园娱乐 项目 students will improve their underst和ing of personal 健康,养成健康的行为习惯.

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校园娱乐 strives to ensure a safe, affirming, 和 nurturing environment for the UNC社区. Inherent in this mission is a belief that a strong community is built upon, 和 enriched by, both commonalities 和 differences. 我们承认并庆祝 the fact that UNC students, staff, 和 faculty have diverse characteristics 和 backgrounds.

We actively demonstrate our commitment to the success of all community members through 我们的计划、政策和服务. We foster a welcoming environment based upon open 和 considerate dialogue, mutual underst和ing, 和 respect for individual differences.  We are committed to social justice as a tool to create change within our department, our campus, 和 local 和 global communities. 

  • C的培养.A.R.E. 

    The Division of Student Affairs staff members are expected to positively contribute to our division’s C的培养ARE (Connect, Attitude, Respect, 和 Empathy). 文化 of CARE emphasizes empathy, community building, civility, recognition 和 exceptional 客户服务. 

  • 残疾的访问

    The 校园娱乐 staff invites all individuals to join in the 活动 offered 在娱乐中心.

    The 校园娱乐 Center was designed to be physically accessible. 专业 设备包括电梯 游泳池, a counter-balanced climbing system at the 室内攀岩墙, 和 an upper-body cycle in the strength 和 conditioning area on the first floor.

    Programs are designed to meet a variety of ability 和 fitness levels, 和 personal fitness trainers are available at competitive prices to assist you with your personal 健身计划. 我们鼓励你与 专业人员 of the department in order to address your specific needs 和 interests.

    For a personal tour of 校园娱乐 项目 和 设施, please contact the 入境事务处 970-351-2062 或者去娱乐中心.

  • 性别认同政策

    Individuals shall be permitted to participate in 校园娱乐 项目, 设施 和 events in accordance with that person’s gender identity.

    Showing up for an event, program, facility, or activity is all you have to do to establish 你的性别认同和参与. No questions asked, no proof is required, come 加入我们一起玩吧!

  • 男女洗手间/更衣区

    Our gender-neutral restroom is specifically intended to serve the needs of:

    • Transgender or gender nonconforming individuals, to offer an alternative to using 男女专用厕所.
    • Parents who otherwise may not be able to accompany their children of a different gender 进入男女专用的洗手间.
    • People with disabilities who have an attendant or caregiver of a different gender.
    • Those in need of a Koala Kare changing station.
    • Others who simply desire the privacy that a single stall bathroom affords.